PT Starter Pack

The Best Way to Get Started

Whether You Are Trying To…

✔️ Get back in shape (or get in shape for the first time!)

✔️ Feel more confident in your own body by slimming down or bulking up

✔️ Have more energy throughout the day

✔️ Go on that hike with your family and not worry you’ll fall behind

✔️ Level up your weightlifting skills & strength

✔️ Create a healthier relationship with food and develop guilt-free eating habits

✔️ Finally escape the start-stop cycle of getting healthy with a plan that lasts

✔️ Or engage in combat with a Sith Lord and emerge triumphant.

Dazza Fitness will help get the results you’re after! Kickstart your health and fitness goals with this great value personal training starter pack!

See what’s included below. 👇

A health & fitness consultation lasts about one hour and I will help you develop a regular fitness routine and define your goals.

Some common health & fitness goals include improving:

  • Strength
  • Stamina
  • Endurance
  • Weight Loss
  • Diet

Once we have completed your consultation, I’ll book you in for your first personal training session where we’ll get you started on your goals we talked about. Included is also 2 more sessions after that to start creating that momentum for you. All personal training sessions go for 45 – 60 mintues.

To help you rev things up so you can start burning more calories, feeling more energised, and even support your digestion, I’m including my Master Your Metabolism Guide.

Inside, you’ll learn:

✔️ The exact numbers you need to know to balance your metabolism

✔️The difference between a “slow” and “fast” metabolism and how to hack yours for better results

✔️The link between aging and your metabolism

✔️ 9 proven ways to rev up your metabolism

And a simple action plan to get things moving!


Because of that insane value, I’d normally offer this  at $147.

But since I want ANYONE to have the full experience of personal training before deciding to become a dedicated client with me…

YOU CAN START 1 on 1 personal training FOR JUST

*Subject to availability